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What is Occupied Home Staging, and Who Does it Serve?

Usually, when people hear about home staging, they think of vacant home staging- the kind of staging where props and furniture rentals get brought in to stage an empty home. But vacant staging isn’t the only type of home staging service out there! Occupied Home Staging is another top-rated, essential service offered by staging companies.

As the name implies, Occupied home staging occurs while the homeowner still lives in the home. With occupied home staging, the interior designer uses the homeowner’s furniture to choreograph the home before listing it for sale on the real estate market, contrary to unoccupied staging- where the home is not occupied at the time of service.


How does occupied home staging work?



Occupied home staging uses existing furniture (along with rented furniture if need be),  decor, artwork, and accessories, some of which may be brought in by the staging company to present the home to prospective buyers in the most appealing way possible.

Oftentimes, the interior designer works with existing home furniture. However, during the de-personalization process, some sellers don’t own enough artwork pieces or furnishings to replace the empty spaces where personal family photos or outdated/unappealing decor once resided.

At Brilliant Staging and Design, we have luxury art pieces and elegant accessories to create the most fashionable, ultra-modern home that will appeal to all potential home buyers. Items that may be perceived as “too religious” in nature or other controversial decorations that are not ideal for staging a home to captivate buyers- get replaced with more neutral ones. These items get removed because they can detract buyers.


What are the Benefits of occupied home staging?



Staging your home while you and your family comfortably live in it is much more straightforward than you may think, thanks to our experienced professionals at  Brilliant Staging and Design. Most homeowners believe their home needs to be vacant for staging. More often than not, residents occupy their homes when they list their property for sale. Most sellers can’t afford to move into a new home until their current property is sold, as they may be heavily relying on the sale of their current home to fund their move.

In these types of situations, occupied home staging is a perfect choice! You can reside on your property as your home gets prepared for sale. You can expect to move out of your current home quicker, all while making the maximum profit- due to the chances of your home selling faster and for a higher asking price when employing a professional home staging service!


Occupied staging is more convenient for sellers.


Occupied home staging is all about convenience for the seller. Sellers are usually busy with a boatload of work duties and familial responsibilities, not to mention the stress of prepping a home to list it on the market.

When a professional stages an occupied home, it’s part of the stager’s process to handle all the prep work for you. The stager is responsible for revamping your home’s decor and rearranging your furniture to showcase the house. There’s no need to move out, purchase new furniture, remodel the whole house,  or tear the living room apart. If you need to improve a space’s interior with rental items, your stager will provide them. Usually, a home can quickly and easily have a brand new, more appealing appearance with just a few minor changes like decluttering and rearranging furniture or decor.


Your home stands out on the market.


First impressions are lasting impressions and our home staging experts know how to create jaw-dropping, Instagram-worthy scenes from your occupied home. When posting pictures of your house online, your home will stand out from other listings and attract more potential buyers to come to view your property.

Staging your home makes it look luxurious, comfortable, and inviting so that your potential buyers can easily envision themselves in your home. By staging your home professionally, you attract more buyers to notice and want to check out your listing, as well as captivate those already interested in your home, resulting in more offers and fewer people just strolling by.


Occupied staging is an investment to help you make a quick sale for maximum profit.


A recent study showed that staged homes could sell up to twenty percent above the asking price. These statistics display that occupied home staging is an investment, especially when your goal is to sell quickly and get the most return on the sale of your home.

Staging your home is the best way to sell your home fast without having to price below your competition.


Should you consider occupied home staging?

You should consider staging your home if the following reasons resonate with you:


You’ll be occupying the house until it’s sold.


Consider occupied home staging services if you plan to live in your home until the property is sold. You don’t have to wait to list the residence until after you’ve vacated the premises.   You can actually save money on staging costs if you already have existing furnishings to work with. That’s not to say that your stager won’t recommend bringing in better choices to present your home more effectively, but many of your pre-owned items can be used in the staging process. The perk of staying in your home until it sells (saving you rental costs) makes this an ideal choice!


If you want to make more money on your home’s sale


According to reports, staged homes sell faster and for a higher price than unstaged ones.

Statistics show that the best time to receive and accept an offer for your home is within the first two weeks of listing it. The length of time a house spends on the market can have a significant impact on the price.

If, after a month, a home remains on the real estate market without receiving an offer, the selling price drops by an average of 5%. That’s $20,000 on a $400,000 home! This price drop is far more than the cost of staging your home professionally. Moreover, because occupied home staging doesn’t always require any furniture rental, occupied staging would cost only a fraction of the cost of vacant home staging (or that property value drop we mentioned above).


Let’s transform your home and get you those above-market offers!


Working with a professional home staging company like Brilliant Staging and design, you are pruning your home to sell quicker and for maximum profit. 

With occupied home staging, we’ll increase your home’s perceived value and decrease the time your property spends on the real estate market. 

With our expertise at Brilliant Staging and design, you reap the fantastic benefits of our services before you ever leave your residence and begin your new journey in your new home.

Ready to discover what your home looks like in its best light? Careful, because you may not want to leave after experiencing your home in all its glory! 😉

Don’t lose money or time- contact us today and book a home staging consultation right away!

Check us out and follow us on Facebook and Pinterest for reassurance that we are the best choice for your home’s transformation!

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